Stefan Gey 큐레이터

가입일: 2020 5월 08 마지막 활동일: 2023 11월 24 iNaturalist

Botany & Bryology

You can also find me on ResearchGate.

Some hints for adding bryophyte observations:

If you don't know much about bryophytes, please do not use the INat determination automatism. Please choose "Bryophyta" or "Bryopsida". Many of the proposed species do not even occur in Europe, but are common in America, for example Entodon seductrix, Plagiomnium insigne, Dendroalsia abietina, Isothecium stoloniferum, Hypnum circinale, Sphagnum magellanicum... In the case of moss photos, taking a picture from a distance usually doesn't help at all. Please take at least one detailed photo and a picture of the habitat. You can also give a hint where you have found the species (wood, soil, stone, riverside...).

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