Nathan Wilson 큐레이터

가입일: 2008 5월 22 마지막 활동일: 2023 11월 24 iNaturalist

I am a software professional and an avid field naturalist specializing in fungi. I created the Mushroom Observer website ( in 2006. I have been active in the amateur mycology community in various roles for over 40 years. From 2010 to 2014 I worked for the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole where I was the Director of the Biodiversity Informatics Component of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). I have also worked for MassChallenge, DreamWorks Animation, Digital Domain, Apple Computer and SRI International as well as several technology startups. I have a masters in computer science from University of California, Santa Cruz where my thesis was on using computers to identify fungi and an masters in experimental psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

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