Roger C. Kendrick 큐레이터

가입일: 2011 12월 18 마지막 활동일: 2023 11월 24 iNaturalist

I am an independent wildlife consultant based in Hong Kong.
In my "spare" time: working on the Moths of Hong Kong, re-working my PhD thesis into a guide to the moths of Hong Kong.
Founded and also help co-ordinate the biennial Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium series.

Online: manage the ALC Group Facebook pages and forum; moderate several regional moth forums (as well as projects on iNat for Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, northern Pakistan , Asia, Sphingidae and "National Moth Week") and help out on a number of Facebook groups involved with moths (India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Bhutan, Singapore). Also getting the Hong Kong Moths website ( back up and running, as well as maintaining a blog on Hong Kong moths.

Some links where you can find out a bit more.....
ResearchGate | Google Scholar | Linkedin

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