가입일: 2013 7월 24 마지막 활동일: 2023 11월 24 iNaturalist
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at El Paso, where I study Ornithology in South America, primarily in Peru. Birds are my primary interest, and I am familiar with species across the Americas, but I am also familiar with European, southeast Asian, and west African species. I'm interested in everything, but I try to have a working knowledge of odonates, plants, marine fish, butterflies, herps, and mammals wherever I live. I recently finished adding all of my old photos to iNaturalist, going back to 2003.
I am also very active on eBird, and most of my bird photos are uploaded there: https://ebird.org/profile/NTcyOTI/world
More information about my professional work is on my website: https://www.oscarjohnson.net/
Soy investigador en la Universidad de Texas en El Paso, donde estudio ornitología en América del Sur, principalmente en Perú. Mis intereses se centran en las aves, donde la mayor parte de mi experiencia se encuentra en las Américas, pero también estoy familiarizado con las especies europeas, el sureste de Asia y de África occidental. También me interesan odonatos, plantas, peces marinos, mariposas, anfibios, reptiles, y mamíferos, y trato de familiarizarme con la identificación de todas las especies donde vivo. Recién termine de agregar todos mis fotos antiguas a iNaturalist, desde el año 2003.
También soy muy activo en eBird, y la mayoría de las fotos de mis aves se cargan allí: https://ebird.org/profile/NTcyOTI/world
Más información sobre mi trabajo profesional está en mi sitio web: https://www.oscarjohnson.net/
Some reference websites, mostly so I don't lose track of them.
Oaks of the world: oaks.of.the.world.free.fr/generalites_chenes.htm
Moth photos of North America: https://mothphotographersgroup.msstate.edu
Butterflies of the Americas: https://www.butterfliesofamerica.com
Butterflies of North America: https://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/
Gall ID: https://www.gallformers.org/
Southwestern USA biodiversity databases, including floras: https://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php
Key to Largus bugs: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/254683#page/48/mode/1up
Soapberry bugs: http://soapberrybug.org/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2
Fly ID, from iNat user zdanko: https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide/home
Butterflies of New Mexico: https://peecnature.org/butterflies-of-new-mexico/
How to use iNat url search: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki-part-2-of-2/18792
Club Chollas of the Big Bend region: http://www.phytoneuron.net/2016Phytoneuron/1PhytoN-Corynopuntia.pdf
Key to Oecanthus tree crickets in the USA: https://orthsoc.org/sina/g576a.htm
Persicaria of North America: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/danielatha/43123-the-case-for-recognizing-persicaria-amphibia-and-persicaria-coccinea-as-distinct-species
Firefly identification: https://www.fireflyatlas.org/
World Odonata List: https://www.pugetsound.edu/puget-sound-museum-natural-history/biodiversity-resources/insects/dragonflies/world-odonata-list
Other iNat user profiles with lots of good resources
Russell Pfau (lots of Texas-specific invertebrates): https://www.inaturalist.org/people/pfau_tarleton
Ocean (Diplacus and Erythranthe): https://www.inaturalist.org/people/oceanf
identifications heat map: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/map?ident_user_id=henicorhina#3/7.811/-423.936