Alden Dirks 큐레이터

가입일: 2018 9월 03 마지막 활동일: 2023 11월 24 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since 2020년 8월

I have been foraging and identifying fungi with ever increasing enthusiasm since 2015. Currently, I am a PhD graduate student studying mycology with Dr. Tim James in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at University of Michigan. You can learn more about my research and life as a mycologist on my personal website,

While interested in all groups of fungi, my research is primarily focused on 1) elucidating the biosynthesis gene cluster that produces gyromitrin, 2) the alphataxonomy of crust fungi and development of the website (, and 3) phylogenomics of early diverging zoosporic fungi.

In 2018, I founded and served as the president of the Madison Mycological Society. If you are ever in Wisconsin, check them out!


iNaturalist projects:

Michigan Macrofunga Project
UM Fall 2020 EEB468 (Fungal Biology) student observations and collections

Other profiles:

Google Scholar
Mushroom Observer

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